Rekab Demerkez

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Rekab Demerkez

Source: Towns of the Inner Sea, pg(s). 49

Rekab Demerkez is the owner of the bustling armory known as the Demerkez Armory in the Katapeshi town of Solku. She provides simple weapons and armor to the town guard, as well as to mercenary companies but she and her staff can make almost anything desired. She also has an arrangement with the local wizard Nazhin Senay who can enchant items for someone willing to pay.1

When half of the armory's staff joined a disastrous expedition to reclaim the Zolurket Mines, Rekab took on non-dwarf apprentices, mostly humans from Dustyfoot. Some of the dwarven community complain that in this way the valuable dwarven secrets will be given away to outsiders.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 Judy Bauer, et al. Solku” in Towns of the Inner Sea, 49. Paizo Inc., 2013