Diguo-Dashun Underminer

From PathfinderWiki

Named after Diguo-Dashu, the so-called "Empire of the Rat", Diguo-Dashun Underminers are the most populous heritage of ysoki (or ratfolk as they are also known) on the continent of Tian Xia.1


Diguo-Dashun Underminers generally have black or grey fur covering their bodies. They have both longer whiskers than normal and red eyes, both of which help them navigate through their homes in near-total darkness. Those rich enough decorate their clothing with gold or other expensive jewellery, or their tails with bright ribbons of fine cloth.1


Diguo-Dashun Underminers live in the harsh depths of the Darklands of Tian Xia, which has made the various militaristic clans that compose their culture even more close-knit than other ysoki cultures. They are fiercely loyal to their clans and those to whom they are closest, and are also strongly antagonistic toward those who fall outside that group. Underminers are also strongly resentful of surface-dwelling species, seeing those who live beyond the Darklands as unfairly blessed with lives much easier than their own. Surface dwellers who can overcome this initial distrust and earn their loyalty find that a Diguo-Dashun Underminer can make the most fiercely loyal of companions.1


The culture of Diguo-Dashun Underminers has been influenced by their approach to religion, which they view as very transactional, exchanging worship of deities and other entities for divine boons and assistance. The one exception is Lao Shu Po, also known as Grandmother Rat, who has had a strong influence in their society. Lao Shu Po stole her divinity and Diguo-Dashun Underminers follow her example, taking what they want from life and disregarding the harm they do to those outside their clan or social circle.1
