4673 AR

From PathfinderWiki
Age of Lost Omens
4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 AR 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678

4673 AR in politics



  1. China Miéville, et al. Guide to the River Kingdoms, inside back cover. Paizo Inc., 2010
  2. Judy Bauer, et al. Falcon's Hollow” in Towns of the Inner Sea, 18. Paizo Inc., 2013
  3. Tyler Beck, et al. Belkzen Gazetteer” in Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes, 5. Paizo Inc., 2015
  4. Kate Baker, et al. “Chapter 3: Pathfinder Society Lodges” in Pathfinder Society Guide, 80. Paizo Inc., 2020