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The Waterfall
The Waterfall.

The Waterfall is the identity bestowed by a Decemvirate Helm to one of the members of the Decemvirate, the secretive leadership council of the Pathfinder Society.1 They are distinguished by their crowned Helm, which creates a veil that resembles flowing water.2345

In 4721 AR, the Decemvirate member wearing the Waterfall Helm was known as Shrike.2

The Waterfall was instrumental in the defeat of the Society's campaign to defeat the night hag Aslynn, culminating in 4722 AR in a scheme led by Society archivist Zarta Dralneen and the Waterfall which lured Aslynn into a trap in the Dreamlands.567


The Waterfall is a major character in the Pathfinder Society organized play campaigns of the Year of Boundless Wonder and Year of Unfettered Exploration.

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