Template:Magnimar lord-mayor successionbox/doc

From PathfinderWiki

{{Magnimar lord-mayor successionbox}} is a {{Successionbox}} template to aid in navigating in order between people who have been Lord-Mayor of Magnimar.


title (optional)
Title of the office. Defaults to Lord-Mayor of Magnimar.
name (optional)
Name of successionbox's subject. Defaults to the title of the article and should be set only if the name used when the person held the office is different from the article name.
details (optional)
Details about the successionbox's subject, such as the span of their tenure. Defaults to blank.
before (optional)
Can also be passed as the first unnamed parameter. A wikilink to the person who held the office before the subject of the successionbox. Defaults to —.
beforeas (optional)
Additional title for the previous officeholder, for instance to denote a change in the office's title or if a predecessor was an acting or interim officeholder.
after (optional)
Can also be passed as the second unnamed parameter. A wikilink to the person who held the office after the subject of the successionbox. Defaults to —.
afteras (optional)
Additional title for the succeeding officeholder, for instance to denote a change in the office's title or if a predecessor was an acting or interim officeholder.


{{Magnimar lord-mayor successionbox
| name = [[Varnagan Draston-Meir]]
| [[Alcaydian Indros]]
| [[Haldmeer Grobaras]]
| beforeas = founder
| details  = [[4619 AR]]–''ca. [[4700 AR]]?''