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Damian Blakros

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Damian Blakros

Damian Kastner

Damian Blakros ( Kastner) was a maralictor of the Hellknight Order of the Scourge. Despite accounts that he acts in deference to the wishes of Chelish diplomat Zarta Dralneen, the paracountess pulled political strings within the Pathfinder Society to obtain an invitation for Kastner to attend the Grand Convocation in Absalom in 4712 AR.1

After a brief courtship, he was wedded to Michellia Blakros at Pariol Island in 4712 AR and assumed her family name, giving up his status among the Hellknights in the process. As part of his matrimonial obligations, he controversially offered his family's manor of Ostergarde as his dowry.2
