Enlightened Peaks

From PathfinderWiki

The Enlightened Peaks are the peaks of the Kelsang Mountains that are controlled by samsarans.

On the whole, the Kalsang Mountains are wild and untamed, and many are controlled by bands of giants, outcast hobgoblins from Kaoling, groups of murderous cannibals, or wildlife or other less intelligent creatures. The Enlightened Peaks however are bastions of civilisation and spirituality, dotted with monasteries, awe-inspiring vistas, and contemplative cities such as Babschu-Jong, Byangshar-Jong, Dogul-Jong, and Sangpo-Jong, the wondrous capital of Zi Ha.1


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  1. James Jacobs, et al. “Regions of the Dragon Empires” in Dragon Empires Gazetteer, 45. Paizo Inc., 2011