Cove of the Queen

From PathfinderWiki

The beautiful and quiet Cove of the Queen is located in Besmara's Throne island in the Shackles. It is connected to the sea by a long, wide inlet that begins west of the northern curve of the island and narrows twice before reaching the cove. The cliffs that surround Besmara's Throne steadily decrease in height as one follows the inlet to the southeast.

The mist-covered, horseshoe-shaped Holy Isle at the Cove's center is the destination of Besmaran pilgrims' Voyage, and the goddess' enormous temple is partially submerged on the Holy Isle's tiny bay.

The town of Queen Bes on the cove's shore is populated by pilgrims who traveled to the island and decided to remain there.1


  1. Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 16. Paizo Inc., 2012