College of Dimensional Studies

From PathfinderWiki

One of the many magical fraternities that make their home in the city of Katapesh, the College of Dimensional Studies specializes in magic relating to interdimensional travel or visiting truly distant parts of the Material Plane. The domed building of the college is located in the crowded Inner City district of Katapesh and contains not only the normal dormitories and laboratories expected of a wizards' college, but also a huge telescope open even for the general public's use on some nights.1 The College of Dimensional Studies is also, therefore, one of the foremost schools of astronomy in the Inner Sea region.2

One of the most unique features of the college is its lack of doors. All students are expected to possess an array of travel magic and are expected to be able to teleport between rooms. Students of the college are also expected to create scrolls of transport magic as part of their payment for the college's unique education.3 The College of Dimensional Studies is also one of the few institutions on Golarion to house one of the rare and mysterious astralabes, devices of enormous utility to those seeking to explore the planes of the Great Beyond.4
