The Shepherd

From PathfinderWiki
An awakened goat sits on The Shepherd.

The Shepherd is a diabolical manifestation of Barbatos in the form of a throne of bones. Placing an animal on the throne awakens it, turning it into a lawful, evil servant of Barbatos that can speak Common tongues such as Taldane as well as the Diabolic language, and gives powerful speeches.1

The throne can awaken a single animal per day for 24 hours, and an animal awakened by the throne often returns to it to renew the effect.1


The throne must be built with the bones of 10 goodly creatures and the bones of a cleric of Barbatos.1


To destroy the throne permanently, one must remove the bones of the cleric of Barbatos from the throne, bless them, and bury them in holy ground.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 F. Wesley Schneider & Jerome Virnich. “Diabolical Influences” in Hell Unleashed, 7. Paizo Inc., 2015