Humbright House

From PathfinderWiki

Humbright House was one of a number of smaller shrines to Aroden that once dotted Kintargo's Temple Hill district but now lies abandoned after the god's death. Humbright House used to serve as a combination shrine and orphanage but has lain abandoned since 4606 AR,1 since then it has periodically served as a base for all sorts of miscreants. Its current inhabitants, the Red Jills, are a perfect example of this, a rough band of violent thugs led by an exiled strix named Scarplume. The interior of the buildings has been completely burned out stripping it of its first floor.2


  1. Crystal Frasier. Kintargo” in In Hell's Bright Shadow, 68. Paizo Inc., 2015
  2. Crystal Frasier. “In Hell's Bright Shadow” in In Hell's Bright Shadow, 36–37. Paizo Inc., 2015