Berline Haldoli

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Berline Haldoli

Blood Lord;
The Reanimator
Source: Graveclaw, pg(s). 4

Berline Haldoli is a minor Blood Lord responsible for the zombie-worked farms in the hinterlands of Graydirge in Geb. Though a member of the ruling elite of Geb, Berline has chosen a relatively quiet existence outside the major political center of the nation and is quite comfortable in her position. She lives in her Graydirge estate, and as the only Blood Lord there, she serves as Geb's official representative in the city.1


Berline is a halfling of middle age and has brownish-red, curly hair. She wears necklaces of grisly charms, and wields a gnarled black staff topped with a pig's skull.2


Berline is remarkably, and disturbingly, upbeat considering the macabre nature of her environment and profession. She is demanding of those she works with, quickly cutting ties with those who do not pull their weight.3


Berline has a distant cousin, Brahdek. He works for her and is in charge of Old Ergagh's Farm, a farm near Graydirge that primarily feeds the living population there.2


Ortagar Stitch-Skull

Berline has a longstanding friendship with the head priest of the Empty Threshold, Ortagar Stitch-Skull. They both enjoy good food and have mutual respect for one another over both being powerful quick in Graydirge.3

Taf-Gekhta Seven Stomachs

Berline enjoys keeping the ghoul governor of Graydirge, Taf-Gekhta Seven Stomachs, on his toes, dropping subtle hints that she may be on the secret council of Blood Lords that determines his fate. This causes him to change his mannerisms and attire to fit what he thinks she likes, even though she has no care at all as to how he acts or dresses.4


  1. Mike Kimmel. “Zombie Feast” in Zombie Feast, 7. Paizo Inc., 2022
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mike Kimmel. “Zombie Feast” in Zombie Feast, 11. Paizo Inc., 2022
  3. 3.0 3.1 Mike Kimmel. “Graydirge” in Zombie Feast, 66. Paizo Inc., 2022
  4. Mike Kimmel. “Graydirge” in Zombie Feast, 67. Paizo Inc., 2022